Avraham, the first Jew, discovered the One creator and taught this to everyone he met. Whoever he invited into his tent was fed and given a meal for free, as long as they acknowledged Hashem, the creator and sustainer of all. Hashem granted the land of Israel to him, for his descendants. Throughout his life, he withstood 10 tests given to him by Hashem, including Akeidas Yitzchak.
Jewish year: 1948 – 2123 (175 years)
Secular year: 1813 – 1638 BCE
Large Bowl
3 Small Bowls
3 Spoons
A Ziploc Bag
Disposable Gloves
Measuring Cups and Spoons
3 Containers with Lids
3/4 Cup Nut/Coconut Flour
½ Cup Brown Sugar
½ Cup Butter
½ Tsp Vanilla
¼ Tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Chocolate Chips
1 Tbsp Sprinkles
1 Tbsp Marshmallow Fluff
4-5 Sandwich Cookies
Red Food Coloring
In the large bowl, whip the sugar, butter and vanilla together well. Add flour and salt. Mix until dough is ready.
Separate the dough into 3 equal parts. Place each part into a small bowl.
Now comes the fun part! Add chocolate chips to the first dough.
Add sprinkles to the second bowl.
Crush a few sandwich cookies and add to the last bowl.
Carefully mix each bowl until the additions are fully incorporated.
Pack each flavor into a container and chill for 30 minutes.
You now have edible cookie dough! Just take out of the fridge, make a Bracha, and enjoy!!
You or I can only give up something for Hashem because of Avraham Avinu. In fulfilling Hashem’s command to offer up Yitzchak as a Karban, he displayed total dedication to Hashem beyond logic. In doing so, he opened up the channel of Mesiras Nefesh for all Jews for all time.
Avraham was known for his excellent Hachnasas Orchim. He cared for people in the technical aspect, ensuring they had food and drink, but even more importantly, he showed interest in them. He cared about people and he showed that. For example, when the 3 angels came to visit him, he jumped up to greet them, even though he was in the midst of a conversation with Hashem!
When hosting people in your home, take a leaf out of Avraham’s book. It is important to ensure your guests have yummy food and a comfortable bed. BUT, it is equally important for them to feel at ease, to feel that you are glad to have them in your house. Some ways to show this are to smile, make conversation, and ask them about themselves.
How can you make guests feel comfortable in your home?