Hi boys and girls! Lag Ba’omer is coming up, the day that commemorates the passing of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, also known as the Rashbi.
Did you know?
On Lag Ba’omer we have the custom to light bonfires. This is because the Torah – and especially the secrets within it – are compared to fire. Just as Rashbi revealed the secrets of Torah to all of us, we too can share with someone a part of Torah that they don’t yet know.
Printed Template – Open Book
Aleph Beis Cookie Cutters
Aleph Beis Stamps
Medium-sized Paintbrush
Liquid Glue
Black, Yellow, Orange, & Red Paint
Paper Towel
Small Plate
You know how to play piano. You’ve learned how to read the notes and after practicing for many hours, days, weeks, and months, you have mastered three of your favorite songs. There is nothing like the feeling of your fingers running across the keyboard, creating the harmonious sounds of music.
Your good friend Yossi wishes he could play too. You think to yourself, “There’s a reason Hashem gave me this skill. Aside from using my talent to play music, maybe I can also teach it to Yossi.” One day after school, Yossi comes over for his first lesson, given by you. You can’t teach him everything in one day, but you start by showing him the right way to hold his fingers on the keyboard. One piece of information at a time, he can start to learn how to play.
Delving Deeper
Rashbi wrote the Zohar, a book that contains the secrets of the Torah, and revealed it to the world. Because of him, all Jews can now access the deepest parts of the Torah, strengthening their connection with Hashem. We honor this by lighting bonfires on Lag Ba’omer, his Hilula – the day he passed away – since the secrets of Torah are represented by fire.
Although we are not on the level of Rashbi, we can nevertheless take a lesson from his life. Just as Rashbi revealed and taught the deepest layers of Torah, you too can teach a part of Torah you know to someone who may not yet know. There is a well-known teaching, “If you know Alef, teach Alef.” Even if you only know one Alef Bais letter, one Parsha, or one explanation within Torah, you can share it with someone else who doesn’t yet know it.
Point to Ponder
How can you be like Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who revealed the secrets of Torah?