Noach was the only one in his generation to follow Hashem’s ways, while the rest of society was immoral and evil. To reset mankind with a clean slate, Hashem sent a flood that destroyed the entire world, except for Noach and his family. He instructed him to build a Teiva where they would find refuge until the flood was over. A year later, after being instructed to leave the Teiva, Noach offered Karbonos to Hashem. A rainbow then appeared in the sky, a sign of the promise that Hashem would never again destroy the world.
Jewish year: 1056 – 2006 (950 years)
Secular year: 2705 – 1755 BCE
Large empty container or bottle
Shaving cream
Water (enough to fill 3/4 of your container plus ½ cup)
Food coloring; Red, Yellow and Blue
3 Cups
Noach was given his name because it comes from the Hebrew word לנוח “to rest.” They said of him, “he will give us rest (ינח) from the work of our hands,” which came to fruition as Noach invented plowing tools, easing the amount of work people had to do in their fields.
Noach was considered a Tzadik only in his generation, but he nonetheless mirrored the qualities of Tzadikim in generations to come, specifically Avraham, Moshe, and David. For example, just like Avraham stood up against the entire world in his belief in one G-d, so did Noach stand up against his whole generation, refusing to be dragged into their immoral ways.
We can stay strong in our values, and not be swayed by people around us. For example, if your class decides it would be funny to draw pictures on the bathroom walls, you can tune in to your inner compass and recognize that ruining someone else’s property is not right. If you decide not to join them, it may make you feel unpopular, but you can know that you are like Noach and are doing what Hashem wants of you.
What is a motto to keep in mind that can help you stand up to negative peer pressure?