Hi boys and girls! in this week’s Parsha, Moshe re-tells many of the Mitzvos to the Jewish people, including the laws of Kosher, where we learn about which animals, fish, and birds are kosher and which are not.
The birds and many of the mammals forbidden by the Torah are predators, while the permitted animals are not. We are commanded not to eat those animals possessive of a cruel nature so that we should not absorb these qualities into ourselves.
1 – red lentils
2 – pop corn
3 – black rice
4 – green lentils
5 – wheat kernels
In each of us we have two little voices. One is our G-dly voice, the voice that is completely and totally connected to G-d and wants nothing more then to always be united. The other is of animalistic nature, it looks out for himself, making sure there are enough food and necessities for it to survive. Both are us, and it is our job to help our G-dly voice change our animalistic one for the better. But how? Our two voices definitely don’t mix together.
The Torah teaches us how to treat animals, we must first make sure all their needs are met, they are fed and safe, only then can we go ahead make sure we are fed. Same is true with our voices, we must first make sure our animalistic side is fed, we must make sure it is happy and only then can we begin to teach it to create a better version of itself by bettering itself one step at a time, this way the G-dly voice will be able to making the world a more holy place and our animalistic voice with be it’s helper, navigating the physical aspects in our world.
Point to Ponder
What are things you can do that bring together your G-dly voice and animalistic voice? (giving our hard-earned money to charity uses both our animalistic side, earning the money and the physical act of giving and our Godly side, by powering the want and fueling the willpower to give our money away.)