3D Desert Scene

In Parshas Vayigash, Yaakov travels from Eretz Yisrael to the land of Mitzrayim as per Hashem’s instructions. Hashem wanted Yaakov and his family to move to Mitzrayim so that they could become a big nation and leave with lots of riches.

The concept of Hashgacha Pratis – Divine Providence – suggests that many times in life, situations may arise that seem to alter one’s plans. However, every situation happens for a reason, and you were placed in that circumstance for a purpose. Sometimes the reason is clear right away, while other times it may take years to understand why that situation happened.

Today, we will be creating a mesmerizing 3-D art piece. You will learn how to transfer a design, layer, and cut out mountains to create a Desert Traveling Scene. This 3-D art piece will be so breathtaking that it will enhance the beauty of your wall or desk.


  • Specialty Textured Paper: Glitter Brown, Gold Foil, Gold Mirror 
  • Special Color Paper: Light Brown, Dark Beige, and Yellow 
  • White cardstock
  • Double-sided foam stickers
  • Shadow Box- Optional
  • Scissors
  • Pen
  • Black Dry-Erase Marker
  • Black Permanent Marker
  • Packing Tape
  • Printed template

Links for specialty items



  1. Print the mountain and camels template on white paper.
  2. Cut the mountains and the sun from the template.
  3. Trace the shape of the sample picture into light yellow paper, this will be your background.
  4. Trace the four mountains (face down) onto the colored paper. The smaller the mountain the darker the paper
  5. Trace the sun into a white cardstock
  6. Cut all the mountains, sun, and background.
  7. Place a piece of clear thick tape over the printed picture of camels.
  8. Take black dry erase marker and trace over the picture.
  9. Take the second to smallest mountain and press it over the picture that you traced. It will imprint on the mountain.
  10. Take black permanent marker, color in and fix the picture of camels where needed.
  11. Place all the mountains face down.
  12. Paste two stickers on the right and left side of each mountain.
  13. Open your stationary box OR: Take dark brown cardstock; put the background in the middle; draw lines connecting corners of the background and cardstock; cut where you drew the lines; fold as shown and make use tape to hold the walls of the box you made.
  14. Put the background first.
  15. Stick mountain number five into the box.
  16. Stick mountain number four on top of it.
  17. Stick mountain number three on top of it.
  18. Stick mountain number two on top of it.
  19. Stick mountain number one on top of it
  20. Stick the sun in the left-up corner.
  21. *Optional: Close the cover of your stationary box.
  22. Enjoy your 3D dessert travelling box!



Imagine it is a summery Erev Shabbos. Your family is on the way to your bungalow colony. As your father is driving, you hear him groan. “Oy vey! I took a wrong turn!” The GPS recalculates the estimated time of arrival. There is still a long way ahead of you.

As your father zips down the highway, you see a car stopped on the shoulder of the road. Your father notices it as well and pulls over to offer his help. He exits the car and approaches the driver, a fellow Yid. A few minutes later this Yid joins you in your car.

It turns out that his car broke down. He has already called a towing company to come get his car and they are arriving in a few minutes. The good news is that he is heading to the same bungalow colony as you. So your father offers him a ride which he gratefully accepts.

Delving Deeper

How would you feel if your father took a wrong turn that made your trip longer? Initially, maybe you would feel annoyed, which would make sense, since after all, it did make your trip longer. But in truth, Hashem made it happen for a reason. It seems He wanted your father to be able to offer a ride to this other Yid.

In Parshas Vayigash Yaakov travels down to Mitzrayim. He is told by Hashem that his traveling is for a reason. Hashem wants Yaakov’s children to become a big nation and then leave Mitzrayim very wealthy.

What can you tell yourself next time something goes wrong while you are traveling?




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