Hi boys and girls! Guess what special day we have this week? That’s right. Purim Katan is coming up.
Did you know?
Purim Katan only happens 7 times in our 19-year calendar. Especially since it comes so infrequently, we have to treasure and cherish the day. From this, we can learn to also appreciate and cherish every single day, and every moment within it.
In the desert, Hashem instructed the Yidden to build the Mishkan – which would be a home for Him in this world. The Yidden were so excited! They ran to bring their finest wools, best linens, and all their gold, to donate them for the construction of the Mishkan. Everyone helped build, sand, sew, and dye the materials. They were all so excited for Hashem to have a home right there in the desert, near each one of them.
After the Yidden came into Eretz Yisrael, they built the Beis Hamikdash – a more permanent home for Hashem to live in. As time went on, the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed and a 2nd Beis Hamikdash was built, only to be destroyed again.
Delving Deeper
Wait, that’s not the end! When Moshiach comes, the 3rd Beis Hamikdash will be built, never to be destroyed again. But until that time, even now in Galus, there is still one more resting place for Hashem here in this world, and that is in our very own hearts.
Hashem desires that we make Him a home here in this world. Well, what is a home? A home is a place where you feel comfortable to be completely yourself. This is what Hashem wants. He wants a place where He can feel totally comfortable – a place where people know Hashem, and where Torah and Mitzvos are performed. So when we learn the Torah and do the Mitzvos, we are making a home for Hashem right inside ourselves! We are creating a space where Hashem can be revealed and comfortable!
Point to Ponder
What can we do to make ourselves more of a home for Hashem?