Rivkah Imeinu, the 2nd of the Imahos, grew up in a family of liars and cheaters, but she remained unaffected by her immoral environment. For this reason, she is compared to a rose among thorns. When her husband Yitzchak grew old and wanted to bless their firstborn son Eisav, Rivkah orchestrated a plan to arrange for the blessings to be given to Yaakov instead.
Jewish year: 2086 – 2207 (121/122 years)
[This is according to the opinion that Rivkah was 3 when she married Yitzchak. According to another opinion, she was 14, in which case her lifespan would have been 2074 – 2207 (133 years) (Seder Olam Rabbah 1 and Daas Zkeinim 25:20)]
Secular year: 1677 – 1556 BCE
Strawberries (1 per cup)
1 Container Heavy Cream
1 Tbsp Strawberry Jello
1 Tbsp Hot Water
Cupcake/Cake of Your Choice
3 bowls
Electronic Mixer
Mousse Cups (any size)
1 Tbsp Measuring Cup
Measure out 1 Tbsp of strawberry jello mix and 1 Tbsp of hot water in a bowl, mix until smooth and set aside.
Pour the heavy cream into another bowl and using an electronic mixer whip until there are stiff peaks.
Scoop out a 1/4 of the whipped cream into a small bowl and pour the Jello mixture into the rest, whip again to combine.
Start assembling the mousse cups by crumbling the cupcake or cake into the bottom of the cup.
Next fill the cup until 3/4 full with the strawberry whip.
Add a dollop of the plain whip at the top.
To finish off, create a rose from a strawberry by cutting small indents into the strawberry starting from the outside going inwards until the rose effect is complete!
Place the roses on the top of the cups and they are ready! Remember to make a Bracha, and Enjoy!
There are differing opinions as to how old Rivkah was when she married Yitzchak. According to one opinion, she was 3 years old. According to the second, she was 14 years old.
When Rivkah offered water to Eliezer, she did it sensitively. Even though he had asked only for “a little water,” she allowed him to drink freely as much as he wanted. She also positioned the jug of water to allow him to easily drink and did not mention watering the camels until he finished drinking. If she had, he may have rushed or cut short his drinking knowing that she still had to tend to them.
Just as Rivkah thoughtfully helped Eliezer, we too can offer help to someone in need. In doing so, we should be as sensitive as possible to what this person’s needs may be. For example, let’s say you were given homework one day that you know how to do, but you notice a classmate is struggling with it. Aside from offering to help, you can be extra sensitive in how you do so. Try to tune in and figure out which part of the homework is difficult for your friend to understand, and use a tone and words that make him or her feel they are smart, too.
What is one way to be extra sensitive when helping someone out?