You are about to journey back in time and across mountains and deserts. And you don’t even have to pack your toothbrush for the trip.
Climb through Noah’s Ark, visit the tent of Abraham and Sarah, and experience the journey of the Jewish people through many lands and thousands of years, till today.
Travel back to Biblical times to experience history first hand. Visit Abraham’s tent and be a witness to his ten tests of faith. Draw buckets from a well to learn about Isaac and Rebecca. Match the 12 lids to their corresponding jugs and discover the mothers of Jacob’s twelve sons. Decorate Joseph’s unique coat of many colors.
Find out what the Mishna and Talmud are and then explore the evolution of Jewish traditions and Biblical interpretation by getting to know seven great scholars and spiritual leaders – Hillel, Saadia HaGaon, Rashi (Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac), Maimonides (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon), the Ari (Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon Luria), The Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer), and the Chafetz Chaim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan).
Return to the modern age to look at the vibrancy of Jewish life around the globe. A giant map presents a visual glimpses of various Jewish communities and their unique traditions. Visit a replica of the Western Wall in Jerusalem and play with the similar bricks to create a mini version.
Celebrate Jewish survival by learning true stories of bravery, devotion, and faith during the Holocaust. Hear about women in a concentration camp who made a menorah out of nine spoons, peer into the secret synagogue created in a basement in the ghetto and bear witness to other tales of hope.
Finish your journey through Jewish History and make the world a better place through increasing in goods deeds. As you continue to do good deeds, you can watch a simulation of the redemption, which is heralded by the blowing of the shofar and the unity of people from all walks of life.